ICOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 4.b the ultimate Icon Collection 32 bit version PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This is the Icoholics Anonymous icon collection version 4.b (a minor update to 4.a, with a few bugs fixed). Most of these icons were made from scratch, others were extracted from different sources and redesigned; over 2100 altogether. One thing they all have in common: these icons are the cream of the crop. This new version no longer consists of a plethora of individual icon files, but of 47 executables. Click an exe to display the icons that are contained in it. Use the Browser to jump from one exe to the other. This is an easy way to find your way around the collection. Use the icons as you would use those in any other executable. Fully functional software. Does not expire. No nag screens. If you like this sofware you are requested to join the Icoholics Anonymous for a small registration fee. DISTRIBUTION Only the program in its complete and unmodified form may be copied and distributed. You may not translate, reverse engineer, patch or modify the executable files or documentation in any way, nor may you add or remove files. This software may not be sold. No compensation may be requested or accepted for this software, with the exception of a reasonable fee for the diskette, CD rom or other means that is used for the distribution. This software may be distributed, subject to the above conditions, without specific permission. However, parties that distribute this software on CD rom or diskette are kindly requested to first check if they have the most recent version and to send one copy of the CD rom or diskette, free of charge, to Blue Raccoon Productions. E mail "Blue.Raccoon@Bigfoot.com" to obtain a recent postal address. This software, or parts of it, may not be distributed in conjunction with or as a part of any other product without the express written permission of the author. DISCLAIMER This product is provided ‘as is’ with no warranty of any kind. The user assumes the risk of paying the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction and any incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or the inability to use this product. In no event will the author be liable for any such damages or costs, even if the author has been advised of their possible occurrence. Use of this product for any period of time constitutes your acceptance of this agreement. ENJOY!!